onsdag den 11. august 2010

What a flip!

Today i searched the ah on my horde. I found a

Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight
 listed for 99g! I bough it out and sended it to my ally. 
I listed it for 999g and it was sold within an hour! 900g profit! I really like that recipe and it should be on every snatch list! 
Thanks for dropping by!

tirsdag den 10. august 2010

Quick tip: Tuxedo patterns

Just a quick tip for today since i don't got that much time:O
If you're alliance go to Outfitter eric.
Pattern: Tuxedo Jacket  - Cost: 50s
Pattern: Tuxedo Pants  - Cost: 45s
Pattern: Tuxedo Shirt  - Cost: 45s
Sell: They easily sell for over 20g EACH on my server.. The last 2 week's ive been doing this just when i was around town anyways. I love the tip:D

If you're horde go to Millie Gregorian.
Pattern: Tuxedo Jacket  - Cost: 50s
Pattern: Tuxedo Pants  - Cost: 45s
Pattern: Tuxedo Shirt  - Cost: 45s
Sell: Theese go easy on the horde faction too. I can easily sell them within an hour. Perhaps because im on a RP Server;O

Enough for now:) Thank's for dropping by

mandag den 9. august 2010

What i sell.

What I sell.
This is a totally stolen concept. I saw it over at blingingwow, and I thought I’d do the same:P
It’s basically a list of all the things that I sell. Including what I sell at horde, neutral and alliance ah. This list may be updated very often so I keep a link in the right side ((Like Jay:d))
Thank you Jay for this awesome idea, and I’m sorry but I had to steal it:d

Wool Cloth - I buy it on alliance for around 4g/stack sell it on neutral or horde for 15g+.
Netherweave Bag– Mats cost around 4g – sell for 10-15g
Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon – Mats cost around 30g – sell for 90g

Wool Cloth – I buy it on alliance for around 4g/stack sell it on neutral or horde for 15g+.

Netherweave Bag – Mats cost around 4g – sell for 10-15g
Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon – Mats cost around 30g – sell for 90g
Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight – I snap it up on the horde ah for around 100g – sell it for 250g

Profesion pick: Not sure

Profession pick: Not sure.
I’m really confused about which profession I’m going to take. In an earlier post I said that engineering was for kids. Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatically but I just can’t see how it can compete against Alchemy. I read cold’s post about engineering and frozen orbs http://coldsgoldfactory.blogspot.com/2010/06/eternal-orb-exchange.html, but I’m not confessed at all. I currently have: Jewel crafting, 2xEnchanting and tailoring. So a trio with jc+ench+alch wouldn’t be bad.  I googled around and found a podcast on call to auction where they talk about it. I really enjoyed the podcast and I think everyone should listen to it: http://www.badiator.com/calltoauction/Calltoauction_011.mp3  . So what do you think? Should I make a trio? Or pick engineering? I’d like to hear your suggestionJ Either comment or send me an email too: Workersgoldrush@gmail.com
Thanks for dropping by

søndag den 8. august 2010

The resell list: Shattrath

This is a list that ive done, basicly from checking out all NPC's in Shattrath on wowhead lol:) Im not sure if all of them is worth selling, but i'll make a post how it turns out.
Aaron hollman - Sell's:
Plans: Adamantite Cleaver - Cost: 4g
Plans: Adamantite Dagger - Cost: 4g
Plans: Adamantite Maul - Cost: 4g
Plans: Adamantite Rapier - Cost: 4g
Plans: Adamantite Rod - Cost: 4g
Eiin - Sell's:
Pattern: Bolt of Imbued Netherweave  - Cost: 4g
Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Bag - Cost: 4g
Pattern: Netherweave Robe - Cost: 4g
Pattern: Netherweave Tunic - Cost: 4g
Griftah - Sell's:
Charm of Potent and Powerful Passions  - Cost: 30g
-  Compassionate Critter's Friend  - Cost: 20g
Hula Girl Doll - Cost: 100g
Infallible Tikbalang Ward  - Cost: 20g
Marvelous Madstone of Immortality  - Cost: 40g
Polished Pendant of Edible Energy - Cost: 25g
Shark's Tooth of Bona Fide Fluidic Mobility - Cost: 15g
Soap on a Rope   - Cost: 1g
Stone of Stupendous Springing Strides  - Cost: 10g
Talisman of True Treasure Tracking  - Cost: 35g
Haris Pilton - Sell's:
"Gigantique" Bag  - Cost: 1200g
Portable Hole  - Cost: 3000g
Jim Saltit - Sell's:
Recipe: Sagefish Delight  - Cost: 50s
Recipe: Smoked Sagefish   - Cost: 5s
Madame Ruby - Sell's:
Formula: Enchant Shield - Major Stamina   - Cost: 4g
Formula: Large Prismatic Shard  - Cost: 6g
Formula: Runed Eternium Rod  - Cost: 12g
Formula: Superior Mana Oil  - Cost: 5g
Formula: Superior Wizard Oil  - Cost: 7g
Skreah - Sell's: 
Recipe: Transmute Primal Might   - Cost: 8g

Enough for now. Do you have any experience with selling any of thoose? Please drop a comment then:)

lørdag den 7. august 2010

The primal might recipe.

Recipe: Transmute Primal Might
I think you should check this recipe out, it's sold in Shattrath city by Skreah.
It costs 8,5gold and more often than you think sells for 50g +! Huge profit
Thanks for dropping by - and remember to come back tommorrow when i tell you the best reselling strategy

Wich proffesion :O

I really don't know wich proffesion im going to choose next time... I'm not really into BS so that one is out of my list. I currently have a: Jc, 2xEnch, tailor. I could choose LW, but i've heard that it's expensive but i might check it out. Then there is Alchemy.... Flask's? not really.. If i choose Alchemy then i would specc Transmute, i know Flask's is WAY more profitable, but i think the market on my server is to strange. Engineering? Cool stuff and choppers? No way, that's for kids lol. Then there is Inscription, but with the update in cataclysm that changes the fact that glyphs is destroyed once you change them, then i dont think inscription is the right choice. I even asked Nakedjay over at Blingingwow about it. He answered: "I would say that it might be too late to get into the inscription game now." 
Enough for now, thanks for dropping by:)

A real economy?

Is WoW's Economy just like the "Real World's" economy? I believe so on some facts. When it's about supply and demand. In Denmark if we've had a bad harvest, then the price goes up on corn. And why is that? It's the simple Supply&demand, wich we also have in wow. When there is less supply on a ware (( ie. If it has been a bad harvest on corn)) and there's still a high demand, then the price goes up. In wow that could be in the summer where the farmer's are on holiday (( If they ever are lol)) and people still want eternal fire, then the price goes up. If you want to learn more about Supply and demand then check out Markco's post about it.  A lesson in inscription and supply and demand; http://www.justmytwocopper.org/2009/10/inscription-lesson-in-supply-and-demand.html
Frozen orbs supply and demand: http://www.justmytwocopper.org/2010/01/frozen-orbs-supply-and-demand.html
(( Prolly more, and  i'll find thoose articles soon:))

Thanks for dropping by

fredag den 6. august 2010

The borean shuffle

This is a tip that i use VERY often. I call it the borean shuffle. It's not exactly like the saronite shuffle but it's in the same category. You turn something simple in to something very profitable in this case we'll turn borean leather into arctic fue. I start out buying 3 stacks of borean leather ((or more in case you want's to earn more lol)) then i turn theese 60 borean leather into 10 borean leather with my leatherworker (( or you can tip a lw)) At this point i Hs to dalaran and then i go to Braeg stoutbeard In the magus commerce excange district. At him i can turn 10 heavy borean leather + a 12 g fee into an arctic fur. Theese arctic furs easily go for 100g+ on my server. Total:
Cost: 27g ((leather )) 12g((fee to braeg)) ((((10g fee))))
Sell's for: 100g +
Total profit: 61g ((((51g))))

Thanks for dropping by

torsdag den 5. august 2010

Tip 1: A Jewelcrafting tip

My first tip that i would like to share is a jewelcrafting tip that i personally use. It can net you 1000gold for an hour work, and even more if you are a miner. 
1: Go to the nearest auction house
2: Search for adamantite ore, and buy out any stack for less than 20g or excact 20 gold. Buy as many stacks as you can afford and add adamantite ore to your auctioneer snatch list.
3: Prospect it all.
4: Now the real "Gold mine" is golden draenite, they are selling for 25 g+ on my server and even more on peak times
Why are thoose selling?: Jc's need them to level up around 350((can'tremember exactly)) And since it's way cheaper than buying Mercurial adamantite.

Note: You can tip a JC to prospect it for you.

Thanks for dropping by.


Character name: Worker ((Therefore the blog name))
Server: Argent dawn (eu)
About me:
I've been playing WoW for around 5 years. And recently i decided to start making some gold, in this blog you'll follow me on my journey through the gold rush. I'll give you easy tips useable for anyone with more than just a few gold.
So hang on as i live out my gold rush.